Lolly visited this week! We had a fun time showing her around Boston. We packed a lot in to one week since we're leaving soon!
We went back to the Old North Church....
and discovered Paul Revere Mall right behind it.

We finally made it to Frog Pond! The kids had a good time but kept asking to leave to go to the playground.
We ate at the oldest restaurant in America.... Union Oyster House
We also visited the Bunker Hill Monument...unfortunately we couldn't go up because of the heat. (It was only 85 but...?)
We visited the U.S.S. Constitution. This was one of the coolest thing we've done. (for me - not the kids) It was just really amazing to stand on the wooden deck of such an historic ship.
I had to keep explaining to Bo that "yes, those were real cannons".
Ebbie tried on some of the historic head gear - which I think looks pretty cute on her.
Lastly, we went to the Boston's Children's Museum. Sorry I don't have better pictures - we were busy playing!!
Love y'all!