Monday, December 28, 2015

Ebbie's Scope

Ebbie had her follow-up scope today. Dr Shannon said her esophagus looks so much better. The pictures show no inflammation and there are none of the visible white patches. So.... we're praying that the biopsy results show that her EoE is in remission. If so, we can stop the steroid and see how that goes! Still cutting out most of her high allergy foods and hoping that once we stop steroids her symptoms won't return. 
Thanks for all the prayers and support! 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Ebbie's 8th Birthday

We celebrated Ebbie's birthday by having lunch with her at school. Later...a birthday party at Fat Cat Ceramics and lastly her BFF Rosemary spent the night to help play with all of her new gifts. I'm so thankful for this sweet, loving, kind-spirited little girl. And very grateful for sweet friends that she loves so much.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Good News

We followed up with GI doctor today and got some good news....we can add back some of the high allergy foods that Ebbie didn't test positive to!!! Y'all don't know- this is so freeing! While she can't guzzle a gallon of milk or eat ice cream every night she can definitely have butter on baked potatoes now! And a birthday cake on her birthday! 

Dr basically said that with eliminating all the foods at once it's setting us up for failure (ummm...yes!) and that in the end the medicine should help with the healing of her esophagus. While that is the immediate goal the long term goal is to find out which one or two foods cause the eosinophils. She also put her on an additional medicine to help promote the healing. 

I also just want to thank you all for the prayers. And I want Ebbie and Bo to read this later in life and know that God is good-even in trials. That He will meet you where you are! But also, to know that Satan too is real, and evil, and will attack you while you're down and try to steal your joy. Ebbie's condition is not life threatening but it definitely affects her quality of life and as a mom it's hard to watch and not fix it immediately. I've felt very condemned by guilt that I didn't catch this sooner, or that I'm not doing what I need to do to fix it now. However I know that condemnation is from satan and that sweet conviction is from the Lord. That all of life is a roller coaster and that though satan is real-God is bigger, and good, and a provider, and sustainer. 
So, I appreciate the prayers and I know that God will equip me with the tools I need to provide and care for Ebbie.