Sunday, October 18, 2015

Summer Trip - Part 2

We were scheduled to go rafting the morning after we arrived in Idaho but of course we slept in because we were so exhausted.  We did make it to the water and get to see some of the beautiful views!

Finally on our rafting trip.  Rich, our guide, was really nice to let the kids stop and play.  The water was pretty low and it made the trip very relaxing.  Of course, the views were unlike anything we've ever seen.  We were literally in awe of God's creation!

I tried to get a pic of the kids floating but the sun was so bright I only got feet!
I did get one of WP and Ebbie

On their way up the Boulder

These videos make me SOOO proud of the kids.  I love when they face their fear and do something adventurous - especially when I know they will love it once they do it.  (Fran even got in on the action!!)

To be continued.....

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ebbie tonight

Ebbie while hanging out on the couch....."ooh, Mom, it's 'Girl Meets Texas'!'
Me: "oh good baby"
Ebbie after pushing play: "UGH! It's part 1. I mean why do they do that? I HATE parts!"

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Summer Trip - Part 1

This summer the kids and I were blessed enough to go on vacation yet again with our best friends.  Like every trip we ever was filled with almost as much drama as fun times! We were suppose to fly out of Memphis at 7 am on the 30th but of course our flight got changed to a later time which caused us to miss our connecting and have a LONG layover in Minneapolis.  But -we know how to make the best of a bad situation and at Austin's suggestion, we took a trip to the Mall of America.  We had a blast (or my kids and I did - Fran and WP are not big fans of rides).

Of course we did eventually get back on the plane and head to Missoula.  Once there, we had to stop at Wal-mart before heading to remote Lowell, Idaho.  The drive in at 3:00 in the morning was ROUGH especially after being up for about 20 hours. We prayed for safety and laughed a lot  along the way (probably from delirium) - but also at signs like this.....

.....and by Bo saying he saw a Moose (which we did!) but then he said he saw 2 Meese (as in the plural of Moose).  Fran and I were so tired that we were basically like "yeah...Meese, I think that's right"!

We did finally make it to Jep and Laura's Cabin.....THANKS again to them for lending it to us for the week!!! 
Selway River in Lowell Idaho

To Be Continued.....