Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Good News from Boston

Ok!! Had scan and x-ray this morning and then met with Dr. Katz and Dr. Hesterberg again.

Ebbie does have a "significant case" of EoE and some intestinal blockage but they believe a cleanse and then following a dairy-free diet as well as one that is free of fruits that could cross pollinate with birch trees (since this was one of her new highest allergies!) will make her symptom free. I'll have to do some research on exactly which fruits that will be but it includes apples, peaches, cherries and nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds. 

We will come back to Boston on August 4th to have Dr. Katz do Ebbie's next scope. 

We are so thankful for the opportunity to see this group of doctors and feel extremely blessed that we do not have to do the elemental diet for Ebbie. God is so good to answer our prayers and the prayers of so many who have prayed for us and Ebbie. 

Love you all! 

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Today's appointment

Well, we went through a lot of information today with 2 doctors and 2 nurses. Spent 3 hours with everybod-Everyone here is so nice and knowledgeable. Ebbie did have some additional allergy testing done and tested positive for a lot of things...mainly trees! Not sure how this affects the EoE yet. She will have 
a sonogram and stomach x-Ray tomorrow. 
Dr. Hesterberg, the allergist, thought we should go ahead and start the elemental diet. Dr. Katz and the dietician thinks we should try another food elimination diet. There are pros and cons to each and Austin and I will prayerfully consider each tonight and the doctors will give us their final recommendation after tomorrow's appointment. 

We've enjoyed going to eat and walk through some of the places we used to visit when we lived here. We even got to ride the carousel before the doctor's appointment today. 

Still wishing Bo was with us but we're so proud of his decision to stay and go to his D1 tryouts!