I had the most beautiful mother's day! Spent part of the day at the soccer fields and the other part in the backyard with all three of my favorite people.

For those who don't know, we got Ebbie's test results back from her scope on April 27th. The doctors measure how many eosinophils are in a high power field. <15 per hpf means you are clear of the disease. Ebbie's are >100 per hpf. This is obviously a big blow for us since for the last 7 weeks we have avoided all dairy, soy, wheat, egg, corn, fish/shellfish, tree nuts, legumes, cantaloup/watermelon. Her doctor said she could do a course of the swallowed steroids or go ahead and do the elemental diet. We opted to give her the steroids so that we can get finished with the school year. The elemental diet is an all formula diet that takes out all the proteins that causes the allergic reaction. If she can not tolerate drinking the formula (which I've read tastes like vomit!) she will have to do a feeding tube. I am in the process of collecting all of her medical records to send to Boston or Cincinnati in preparation for our trip for a second opinion of treatment options. Please pray for us that we get to the right place that will provide the best treatment for her and that we can get in quickly as most places have a 3-4 month waiting time which would put her there as she is beginning 3rd grade.
We have some people trying to help us get in earlier at these hospitals. Austin told Ebbie tonight that she has some really important people trying to help her. Her response.... "Well, I know you and moma are trying to help me. Y'all are important to me". I love her sweet spirit.
Please God don't let her spirit break.
If anyone is interested in learning more about Eosinophilic Esophagitis, how it hurts your body, treatments, etc. here are a few websites that are helpful. (Especially as Eosinophilic Awareness Week is coming up May 15-21!)
I have a lot of worries about what Ebbie's future holds but a sweet friend sent me the video below. I'm trying to remember daily not to worry about the "what ifs". To remember that tomorrow He will give us NEW mercies.