Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Easter, Chattanooga, and Casting Crowns

We got to go to Chattanooga for Easter to see Casting Crowns! Most of my family went and we had a WONDERFUL time.  It was Bo's first concert and we also got to go to Lookout Mountain, Ruby Falls, and The Tennessee Aquarium.  We packed a lot in to a 24 hour trip!

Me and Slayden at Casting Crowns concert!

Casting Crowns! It's a little blurry.....sorry Mark Hall!

The girl cousins after a long night of swimming!

Ava, Ebbie, Elli, Bo, and Slayden
The Barbour Family!

Who knew?
Elli was super excited to FINALLY see a shark!

Mr. Grumpy Fish

Who made the better impersonation of Mr. Grumpy?
 I think it's a tie!

Bo loves jellyfish

The kids "climbing" Lookout Mountain.....

The kids even got to see the Easter Bunny!

Of course I like to end with photos of the way my kids usually end the real trip.....


P.S. If y'all get a chance to see Casting Crown's "Come to the Well" tour, I highly recommend it!

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