Monday, June 4, 2012

To Boston We Go.......

Well, we drove 1500 miles from Mississippi to Boston. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  The kids did great watching movies, and we read the first four books of Junie B. Jones which they LOVED.  Of course, we broke the trip up over several days, stopping at Dollywood in TN, then spending the night in Roanoke, VA and in Middletown, New York.  

 The kids loved Dollywood....they said it was better than Disney although I think they're memories are a little skewed!

Mountain in Roanoke, VA

The story of the Natural Bridge. 

 Thanks Grandaddy for recommending the Natural Bridge...It was very beautiful!

Extra information.....We drove by a prison in PA (I think) and Bo said if he owned a prison he'd make the bad guys eat raw fish every night! (Apparently his new consequence for disobeying his parents should be Sushi for dinner!)
.....Ebbie had the best demeanor through the whole trip.  We stayed up til 12 almost every night driving and even when she only got a 10 minute nap, she never whined or was in a bad mood.  

Love y'all!

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