Saturday, July 13, 2013

Got to do better.....

Ok.....I realize I HAVE to do better with updating this site.  I started this as a way to keep up with the fun, cute stuff the kids are doing and all the things we do as a family.  I am failing miserably at my documenting! My goal is for the kids to be able to go back one day to see things not only that we did but also, things that they said.... A digital edition of a scrapbook.

So I am going back to March in order to put some exciting stuff here. We went to Kansas City, MO to see the Rebels play basketball in the NCAA Tournament.  We had a fun time.  Wished the Rebs could have kept going.

We had great seats!

Ebbie only cared about meeting the cheerleaders.

But Bo and Austin got some pretty cool pictures..

Bo and Dexter McCluster
Austin with Reggie and Murphy
Bo and Reggie


Later.....I went to Miami with Shelley.  Had so much fun!!!!

At the airport....heading to Miami

Our first Cortadito (cuban coffee)



Eating out......

Will post again! SOON!!!!!

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